Nuestros Grupos Investigadores

Grupo Instituto de Investigaciones Oftalmológicas Ramón Castroviejo. Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Enlace: https://www.ucm.es/iuioramoncastroviejo
Director: José Manuel Ramírez Sebastián

Grupo Neurobiología del sistema visual y terapia de enfermedades neurodegenerativas (NEUROVIS). Universidad de Alicante
Enlace: https://cvnet.cpd.ua.es/curriculum-breve/grp/es/neurobiologia-del-sistema-visual-y-terapia-de-enfermedades-neurodegenerativas-(neurovis)/587
Director: Nicolás Cuenca Navarro

Grupo de Investigación de “Oftalmología Experimental” de la Universidad de Murcia.
Enlace: https://www.um.es/oftalmolab/
Director: Manuel Vidal Sanz

Grupo Unidad de Investigación Oftalmológica Santiago Grisolía. Hospital Universitario Dr. Peset 
Enlace: http://www.unidadinvestigacionoftalmologica.es/index.php
Directora: Maria Dolores Pinazo Durán

Grupo de Investigación en Neurofisiología Visual. Universidad de Alcalá de Henares
Enlace: https://www.uah.es/es/investigacion/unidades-de-investigacion/grupos-de-investigacion/Neurofisiologia-del-sistema-visual-y-del-sistema-motor/
Director: Pedro de la Villa Polo

Grupo de Investigación en Retina. Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Aragón.
Enlace: https://www.iacs.es/investigacion/grupos-de-investigacion/investigacion-en-retina/
Directora: Isabel Pinilla Lozano

Grupo de investigación en Enfermedades autoinmunes sistémicas. Hospital Clinic Barcelona.
Enlace: https://www.clinicbarcelona.org/idibaps/areas-de-investigacion/agresion-biologica-y-mecanismos-de-respuesta/enfermedades-autoinmunes-sistemicas
Accredited researcher (R3A): Ricardo P Casaroli-Marano

Grupo de Ingeniería Multidisciplinar y Seguridad. Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
Francisco Cavas Martínez

Grupo de investigación en biomedicina molecular, celular y genómica. Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria La Fe
Enlace: https://www.iislafe.es/es/investigacion/lineas-de-investigacion/grupo/117/biomedicina-molecular-celular-y-genomica
Director: José M Millán Salvador

Grupo de estrategias terapéuticas en patologías oculares.  Universidad Cardenal Herrera
Enlace: https://www.uchceu.es/grupos-lineas-investigacion/estrategias-terapeuticas-en-patologias-oculares
Directora: María Miranda Sanz

Grupo de Investigación en Innovación, terapia y desarrollo farmacéutico en oftalmología. Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Enlace: https://www.ucm.es/grupos/grupo/447
Directora: Rocío Herrero Vanrell

Grupo de Genética Molecular Humana. Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Campus Albacete.
Director: Julio Escribano Martínez

Últimas Publicaciones

  1. Roughness of retinal layers in Alzheimer’s disease.

Jáñez-García, L, Bachtoula, O, Salobrar-García, E, de Hoz R, Ramirez AI, Gil P, Ramirez JM, Jáñez-Escalada L. Sci Rep 11, 11804 (2021). doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-91097-3

  1. Foveal Avascular Zone and Choroidal Thickness Are Decreased in Subjects with Hard Drusen and without High Genetic Risk of Developing Alzheimer’s Disease.

López-Cuenca I, de Hoz R, Alcántara-Rey C, Salobrar-García E, Elvira-Hurtado L, Fernández-Albarral JA, Barabash A, Ramírez-Toraño F, de Frutos-Lucas J, Salazar JJ, Ramírez AI, Ramírez JM. Biomedicines. 2021; 9(6):638. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines9060638

  1. Retinal Ganglion Cell Loss and Microglial Activation in a SOD1G93A Mouse Model of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.

Rojas P, Ramírez AI, Cadena M, Fernández-Albarral JA, Salobrar-García E, López-Cuenca I, Santos-García I, de Lago E, Urcelay-Segura JL, Ramírez JM, de Hoz R, Salazar JJ. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Feb 7;22(4):1663. doi: 10.3390/ijms22041663.PMID: 33562231 

  1. Retinal Molecular Changes Are Associated with Neuroinflammation and Loss of RGCs in an Experimental Model of Glaucoma.

Fernández-Albarral JA, Salazar JJ, de Hoz R, Marco EM, Martín-Sánchez B, Flores-Salguero E, Salobrar-García E, López-Cuenca I, Barrios-Sabador V, Avilés-Trigueros M, Valiente-Soriano FJ, Miralles de Imperial-Ollero JA, Vidal-Sanz M, Triviño A, Ramírez JM, López-Gallardo M, Ramírez AI. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Feb 19;22(4):2066. doi: 10.3390/ijms22042066.PMID: 33669765

  1. The Role of Autophagy in Eye Diseases.

Fernández-Albarral JA, de Julián-López E, Soler-Domínguez C, de Hoz R, López-Cuenca I, Salobrar-García E, Ramírez JM, Pinazo-Durán MD, Salazar JJ, Ramírez AI. Life (Basel). 2021 Feb 27;11(3):189. doi: 10.3390/life11030189.PMID: 33673657 

  1. Retinal Thickness Changes Over Time in a Murine AD Model APP NL-F/NL-F.

Salobrar-García E, López-Cuenca I, Sánchez-Puebla L, de Hoz R, Fernández-Albarral JA, Ramírez AI, Bravo-Ferrer I, Medina V, Moro MA, Saido TC, Saito T, Salazar JJ, Ramírez JM. Front Aging Neurosci. 2021 Jan 15;12:625642. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2020.625642. eCollection 2020.PMID: 33542683



  1. Mutant PRPF8 Causes Widespread Splicing Changes in Spliceosome Components in Retinitis Pigmentosa Patient iPSC-Derived RPE Cells.

Arzalluz-Luque Á, Cabrera JL, Skottman H, Benguria A, Bolinches-Amorós A, Cuenca N, Lupo V, Dopazo A, Tarazona S, Delás B, Carballo M, Pascual B, Hernan I, Erceg S, Lukovic D.Front Neurosci. 2021 Apr 29;15:636969. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2021.636969. eCollection 2021.PMID: 33994920 

  1. Phenotypic Differences in a PRPH2Mutation in Members of the Same Family Assessed with OCT and OCTA.

Albertos-Arranz H, Sánchez-Sáez X, Martínez-Gil N, Pinilla I, Coco-Martin RM, Delgado J, Cuenca N.Diagnostics (Basel). 2021 Apr 26;11(5):777. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics11050777.PMID: 33925984

  1. Retinitis pigmentosa is associated with shifts in the gut microbiome.

Kutsyr O, Maestre-Carballa L, Lluesma-Gomez M, Martinez-Garcia M, Cuenca N, Lax P.Sci Rep. 2021 Mar 23;11(1):6692. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-86052-1.PMID: 33758301 

  1. Dopaminergic Retinal Cell Loss and Visual Dysfunction in Parkinson Disease.

Ortuño-Lizarán I, Sánchez-Sáez X, Lax P, Serrano GE, Beach TG, Adler CH, Cuenca N.Ann Neurol. 2020 Nov;88(5):893-906. doi: 10.1002/ana.25897. Epub 2020 Sep 19.PMID: 32881029



  1. Mechanisms implicated in the contralateral effect in the central nervous system after unilateral injury: focus on the visual system.

Lucas-Ruiz F, Galindo-Romero C, Albaladejo-García V, Vidal-Sanz M, Agudo-Barriuso M.Neural Regen Res. 2021 Nov;16(11):2125-2131. doi: 10.4103/1673-5374.310670.PMID: 33818483 

  1. Intravitreal fluorogold tracing as a method to label retinal neurons and the retinal pigment epithelium.

Valiente-Soriano FJ, Lucas-Ruiz F, de Imperial-Ollero JAM, Vidal-Sanz M, Agudo-Barriuso M.Neural Regen Res. 2021 Oct;16(10):2000-2001. doi: 10.4103/1673-5374.308084.PMID: 33642377 

  1. MicroRNA-93/STAT3 signalling pathway mediates retinal microglial activation and protects retinal ganglion cells in an acute ocular hypertension model.

Wang Y, Chen S, Wang J, Liu Y, Chen Y, Wen T, Fang X, Vidal-Sanz M, Jonas JB, Zhang X.Cell Death Dis. 2021 Jan 4;12(1):41. doi: 10.1038/s41419-020-03337-5.PMID: 33414426 

  1. Searching for the Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammatory, and Neuroprotective Potential of Natural Food and Nutritional Supplements for Ocular Health in the Mediterranean Population.

Valero-Vello M, Peris-Martínez C, García-Medina JJ, Sanz-González SM, Ramírez AI, Fernández-Albarral JA, Galarreta-Mira D, Zanón-Moreno V, Casaroli-Marano RP, Pinazo-Duran MD.Foods. 2021 May 28;10(6):1231. doi: 10.3390/foods10061231.PMID: 34071459 

  1. miRNAs and Genes Involved in the Interplay between Ocular Hypertension and Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma. Oxidative Stress, Inflammation, and Apoptosis Networks.

Raga-Cervera J, Bolarin JM, Millan JM, Garcia-Medina JJ, Pedrola L, Abellán-Abenza J, Valero-Vello M, Sanz-González SM, O’Connor JE, Galarreta-Mira D, Bendala-Tufanisco E, Mayordomo-Febrer A, Pinazo-Durán MD, Zanón-Moreno V.J Clin Med. 2021 May 21;10(11):2227. doi: 10.3390/jcm10112227.PMID: 34063878 

  1. Evaluation of Intraocular Pressure and Other Biomechanical Parameters to Distinguish between Subclinical Keratoconus and Healthy Corneas.

Peris-Martínez C, Díez-Ajenjo MA, García-Domene MC, Pinazo-Durán MD, Luque-Cobija MJ, Del Buey-Sayas MÁ, Ortí-Navarro S.J Clin Med. 2021 Apr 28;10(9):1905. doi: 10.3390/jcm10091905.PMID: 33924937 

  1. Signature of Circulating Biomarkers in Recurrent Non-Infectious Anterior Uveitis. Immunomodulatory Effects of DHA-Triglyceride. A Pilot Study.

Pinazo-Durán MD, García-Medina JJ, Sanz-González SM, O’Connor JE, Casaroli-Marano RP, Valero-Velló M, López-Gálvez M, Peris-Martínez C, Zanón-Moreno V, Diaz-Llopis M.Diagnostics (Basel). 2021 Apr 19;11(4):724. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics11040724.PMID: 33921773 

  1. Efficacy and safety study of an eyelid gel after repeated nocturnal application in healthy contact lens users and non-users.

Pinazo-Durán MD, Raga-Cervera J, Sanz-González SM, Salgado-Borges J, Benítez-Del-Castillo J, Ramírez AI, Zanón-Moreno V.J Optom. 2021 Jan-Mar;14(1):28-36. doi: 10.1016/j.optom.2019.12.002. Epub 2020 Apr 19.PMID: 32317229

  1. Absence of R-Ras1 and R-Ras2 causes mitochondrial alterations that trigger axonal degeneration in a hypomyelinating disease model.

Alcover-Sanchez B, Garcia-Martin G, Escudero-Ramirez J, Gonzalez-Riano C, Lorenzo P, Gimenez-Cassina A, Formentini L, de la Villa-Polo P, Pereira MP, Wandosell F, Cubelos B.Glia. 2021 Mar;69(3):619-637. doi: 10.1002/glia.23917. Epub 2020 Oct 3.PMID: 33010069

  1. Functional and morphological alterations in a glaucoma model of acute ocular hypertension.

Gallego-Ortega A, Norte-Muñoz M, Miralles de Imperial-Ollero JA, Bernal-Garro JM, Valiente-Soriano FJ, de la Villa Polo P, Avilés-Trigueros M, Villegas-Pérez MP, Vidal-Sanz M.Prog Brain Res. 2020;256(1):1-29. doi: 10.1016/bs.pbr.2020.07.003. Epub 2020 Aug 13.PMID: 32958209

  1. Electromyographic biofeedback improves upper extremity function: a randomized, single-blinded, controlled trial.

Lirio-Romero C, Torres-Lacomba M, Gómez-Blanco A, Acero-Cortés A, Retana-Garrido A, de la Villa-Polo P, Sánchez-Sánchez B.Physiotherapy. 2021 Mar;110:54-62. doi: 10.1016/j.physio.2020.02.002. Epub 2020 Feb 15.PMID: 32718746

  1. Changes in retinal layers in type 1 diabetes mellitus without retinopathy measured by spectral domain and swept source OCTs.

Orduna-Hospital E, Sanchez-Cano A, Perdices L, Acha J, Lopez-Alaminos EM, Pinilla I.Sci Rep. 2021 May 17;11(1):10427. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-89992-w.PMID: 34001996 

  1. Beyond visual acuity: Patient-relevant assessment measures of visual function in retinal diseases.

Puell MC, Contreras I, Pinilla I, Escobar JJ, Soler-García A, Blasco AJ, Lázaro P.Eur J Ophthalmol. 2021 Jan 22:1120672121990624. doi: 10.1177/1120672121990624. Online ahead of print.PMID: 33482694

  1. Microperimetry and Optical Coherence Tomography Changes in Type-1 Diabetes Mellitus without Retinopathy.

Orduna-Hospital E, Otero-Rodríguez J, Perdices L, Sánchez-Cano A, Boned-Murillo A, Acha J, Pinilla I.Diagnostics (Basel). 2021 Jan 16;11(1):136. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics11010136.PMID: 33467213 

  1. Knockout of myocProvides Evidence for the Role of Myocilin in Zebrafish Sex Determination Associated with Wnt Signalling Downregulation.

Atienzar-Aroca R, Aroca-Aguilar JD, Alexandre-Moreno S, Ferre-Fernández JJ, Bonet-Fernández JM, Cabañero-Varela MJ, Escribano J.Biology (Basel). 2021 Jan 30;10(2):98. doi: 10.3390/biology10020098.PMID: 33573230 

  1. Co-delivery of glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) and tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA) from PLGA microspheres: potential combination therapy for retinal diseases.

Arranz-Romera A, Esteban-Pérez S, Molina-Martínez IT, Bravo-Osuna I, Herrero-Vanrell R.Drug Deliv Transl Res. 2021 Apr;11(2):566-580. doi: 10.1007/s13346-021-00930-9. Epub 2021 Feb 27.PMID: 33641047

  1. Novel Use of PLGA Microspheres to Create an Animal Model of Glaucoma with Progressive Neuroretinal Degeneration.

Garcia-Herranz D, Rodrigo MJ, Subias M, Martinez-Rincon T, Mendez-Martinez S, Bravo-Osuna I, Bonet A, Ruberte J, Garcia-Feijoo J, Pablo L, Garcia-Martin E, Herrero-Vanrell R.Pharmaceutics. 2021 Feb 8;13(2):237. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics13020237.PMID: 33567776 

  1. Thermo-Responsive PLGA-PEG-PLGA Hydrogels as Novel Injectable Platforms for Neuroprotective Combined Therapies in the Treatment of Retinal Degenerative Diseases.

López-Cano JJ, Sigen A, Andrés-Guerrero V, Tai H, Bravo-Osuna I, Molina-Martínez IT, Wang W, Herrero-Vanrell R.Pharmaceutics. 2021 Feb 7;13(2):234. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics13020234.PMID: 33562265

  1. Dexamethasone PLGA Microspheres for Sub-Tenon Administration: Influence of Sterilization and Tolerance Studies.

Barbosa-Alfaro D, Andrés-Guerrero V, Fernandez-Bueno I, García-Gutiérrez MT, Gil-Alegre E, Molina-Martínez IT, Pastor-Jimeno JC, Herrero-Vanrell R, Bravo-Osuna I.Pharmaceutics. 2021 Feb 6;13(2):228. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics13020228.PMID: 33562155 

  1. A Safe GDNF and GDNF/BDNF Controlled Delivery System Improves Migration in Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells and Survival in Retinal Ganglion Cells: Potential Usefulness in Degenerative Retinal Pathologies.

Arranz-Romera A, Hernandez M, Checa-Casalengua P, Garcia-Layana A, Molina-Martinez IT, Recalde S, Young MJ, Tucker BA, Herrero-Vanrell R, Fernandez-Robredo P, Bravo-Osuna I.Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 2021 Jan 11;14(1):50. doi: 10.3390/ph14010050.PMID: 33440745

  1. Liposomes as vehicles for topical ophthalmic drug delivery and ocular surface protection.

López-Cano JJ, González-Cela-Casamayor MA, Andrés-Guerrero V, Herrero-Vanrell R, Molina-Martínez IT.Expert Opin Drug Deliv. 2021 Jan 22:1-29. doi: 10.1080/17425247.2021.1872542. Online ahead of print.PMID: 33412914

  1. Vascular endothelial growth factor inhibitors for predominantly Caucasian myopic choroidal neovascularization: 2-year treatment outcomes in clinical practice: data from the Fight Retinal Blindness! Registry.

Gabrielle PH, Nguyen V, Creuzot-Garcher C, Miguel L, Alforja S, Sararols L, Casaroli-Marano RP, Zarranz-Ventura J, Gillies M, Arnold J, Barthelmes D.Acta Ophthalmol. 2021 May 6. doi: 10.1111/aos.14893. Online ahead of print.PMID: 33960115

  1. Priming human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells for corneal surface regeneration.

Nieto-Nicolau N, Martínez-Conesa EM, Fuentes-Julián S, Arnalich-Montiel F, García-Tuñón I, De Miguel MP, Casaroli-Marano RP.J Cell Mol Med. 2021 May 5. doi: 10.1111/jcmm.16501. Online ahead of print.PMID: 33951289

  1. Amniotic membrane extract eye drops for ocular surface diseases: use and clinical outcome in real-world practice.

Sabater-Cruz N, Figueras-Roca M, Ferrán-Fuertes M, Agustí E, Martínez-Conesa EM, Pérez-Rodríguez ML, Vilarrodona A, Casaroli-Marano RP; AMEED Study Group.Int Ophthalmol. 2021 Apr 17. doi: 10.1007/s10792-021-01856-4. Online ahead of print.PMID: 33864578

  1. Publisher Correction: MLIP genotype as a predictor of pharmacological response in primary open-angle glaucoma and ocular hypertension.

Canut MI, Villa O, Kudsieh B, Mattlin H, Banchs I, González JR, Armengol L, Casaroli-Marano RP.Sci Rep. 2021 Apr 9;11(1):8237. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-87653-6.PMID: 33837244 

  1. Corneal transplantation activity in Catalonia, Spain, from 2011 to 2018: Evolution of indications and surgical techniques.

Sabater-Cruz N, Figueras-Roca M, Padró-Pitarch L, Tort J, Casaroli-Marano RP.PLoS One. 2021 Apr 8;16(4):e0249946. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0249946. eCollection 2021.PMID: 33831081

  1. Twelve-month outcomes of ranibizumab versus aflibercept for macular oedema in branch retinal vein occlusion: data from the FRB! registry.

Hunt AR, Nguyen V, Creuzot-Garcher CP, Alforja S, Gabrielle PH, Zarranz-Ventura J, Guillemin M, Fraser-Bell S, Casaroli Marano RP, Arnold J, McAllister IL, O’Toole L, Gillies MC, Barthelmes D, Mehta H.Br J Ophthalmol. 2021 Mar 12:bjophthalmol-2020-318491. doi: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2020-318491. Online ahead of print.PMID: 33712484

  1. Eye bank and theatre factors for positive microbiological culture of corneoscleral rim and cornea storage medium in the real-world.

Sabater-Cruz N, Otero N, Dotti-Boada M, Ríos J, Gris O, Güell JL, Vilarrodona A, Casaroli-Marano RP.Eye (Lond). 2021 Jan 19. doi: 10.1038/s41433-020-01342-8. Online ahead of print.PMID: 33469128

  1. MLIP genotype as a predictor of pharmacological response in primary open-angle glaucoma and ocular hypertension.

Canut MI, Villa O, Kudsieh B, Mattlin H, Banchs I, González JR, Armengol L, Casaroli-Marano RP.Sci Rep. 2021 Jan 15;11(1):1583. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-80954-2.PMID: 33452295 


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